Our Story

The Moody Dudes started out as a fun radio project but were an unexpected hit with kids (including the grown-up kind). Our samples were loved, in particular the Mini Moody Dudes: the potato sized “couch potatoes”.

In The Beginning:
The Moody Dudes were originally designed as a fun cushion project for a local radio station. They were designed to be cute, fun, lovable “couch potatoes” that would be a great conversation starter for people's couches. They turned out to be a massive hit with callers and people would upload photos to the station of their couch potato around the world. Crazy!

An Instant Hit:
The Moody Dudes combine my two greatest passions: design, and kids. My family are industrial designers and I work with them at our family-run industrial design agency, Form Designs. When the idea for the Moody Dudes crossed my desk, I knew they were going to be an instant hit; as it turns out, I was right. Kids who came into the office with their parents were instantly taken by the samples we had around the office; they would go straight to the Moody Dudes, creating stories and adventures and would happily play in the boardroom while we had our meetings. One of the little girls that visited us loved it so much that she walked out of the office with it when she left and I didn't have the heart to tell her that it didn't belong to her, so I told her mum she could keep it. We had a couple other samples lying around the office but soon enough I had given away all our Moody Dudes.  

Helping Children with Emotions:
I have had a lot of feedback saying that the cushion has helped their child understand and express emotions. Some of the feedback has indicated that it even helped their child deal with problems that they were having at school or at home. We even heard of one parent using it to show the child that she was angry - helping the child understand how her actions affected others. Although they are a fun and lovable toy, they also have the potential to be so much more. I think that they will be particularly valuable for children with disabilities to help them develop emotional awareness skills. 

Launching the Mini Moody Dudes:
The Mini Moody Dudes are the pint sized version of the original Moody Dudes. They are great fun as a desk toy in the office, school or home. They are super cute and make a great present or stocking-filler. The Mini Moody Dudes will be available for order online, head to our “shop” page.

We look forward to spreading the fun with the Moody Dudes!

Vick xo

Form Designs are Industrial Designers based in Perth, Australia. To learn more about Form Designs visit their website, www.formdesigns.com.au.

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